IAC Academics

Academics Programs

IAC Academics

IThe Academies are initiatives designed to help IAC-accredited institutions plan, create, and put into practice holistic institutional improvement strategies. The Academies, which were created and are run by experienced practitioners, offer institutions a framework and instructions for addressing major concerns in higher education. The programmes assist improvement within the framework of an institution's mission, vision, and goals and are adaptable to the demands of the vast range of institutional types handled by IAC.

Student Improvement Academy

This academy is intended for organizations looking to create long-term frameworks that support students in achieving their higher education objectives. Participating institutions will learn how to foster campus-wide engagement in promoting student success and integrate student success into the institution's values and practices in order to support students, particularly underserved populations, in realizing their full potential.

Monitoring Academy

This academy is designed for organizations that want to commit consistently to evaluating and enhancing student learning. The Academy provides each institution with individualized assistance in creating, compiling, and putting into practise a systematic institutional assessment strategy. Institutions taking part in the Assessment Academy are given fresh concepts and methods for changing institutional culture, enhancing the ability to evaluate student learning, and utilizing assessment data to enhance student learning.